I know it’s been a while… what can I say? I’ve been a little distracted by my book.

Today’s post may seem a little erratic and all over the place. I haven’t been here in so long that I will try to write this on the spot and publish it right away rather than go through my critique process. Basically, what I’m saying is lower your expectations.

Happy 2023!

It’s strange to think that I will be 50 this year! I mean, my mom turned 50 months before I graduated high school. (sorry, Mom) 50 seemed so much older to me then. But, here I am. It’s kind of interesting to think of how we’ve viewed aging over the years.

For the most part, aging is still a horrible thing for women especially. Older men still like younger women hence Leo DiCaprio’s obsession with girlfriends 24 and under regardless of his age.

I can remember growing up and being told that once women hit 40 they should have short hair. I never subscribed to that notion. In fact, my hair today is probably well over 6 inches past my shoulders, thanks in part to Covid and the fact I couldn’t get my haircut.

But the one thing I did stop doing at the age of 40 is coloring my hair. Maybe it didn’t seem as important to me because my hair is blonde so the gray kind of blends in with it. But maintaining dyed hair was just something I’m no longer willing to spend the money on, not to mention the hassle of getting it done.

As a wheelchair user who cannot transfer, I don’t want to ask someone to go with me to spend 2 hours at a salon with me picking me up a few times; I certainly wouldn’t ask or expect the stylist to do that. But now I only go to get my haircut only about once every eight months. And when I do, I come with clean hair so there is no need for the stylist to wash it.

I can’t decide if this is a good thing, a bad thing, or just something a privileged white woman can bitch about. It definitely costs less. (Good)  It’s another thing I’ve had to contend with and alter because of my disability. (Bad?)  I don’t get that wonderful head massage that generally comes with a wash from the stylist. (privileged white woman bitch ?) But I still have the opportunity to get my haircut and styled by a professional. I have never really given much thought to how people are meant to access people has two hair stylists and how much that impacts their lives…

If you have ideas/opinions about haircuts, please let me know.

OK, I went way off track here…but I warned you!

Until the next!

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