Risky Business

Not only do I have Friedreich’s Ataxia, but I also have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The medication I take for the MS compromises my immunity. According to my neurologist, the drug has not been linked to higher instances of  Covid-19. Maybe that knowledge, the fact I have...

Happy Rare Disease Day

Having Friedreich’s ataxia makes me unique, and I am one of 20,000 people in the world living with FA. Despite the extraordinary context of my life, I dare to call it ordinary. I am crabby in the morning until my first cup of coffee; I shower, get dressed, take my...

What is FA?

“Fred’s tax, what?” The nurse stood over me as I sat in the exam room. I giggled and rolled my eyes. Time to educate another medical professional. I drew up my breath to be sure my voice was clear. “Friedreich’s Ataxia.” The mouse-like woman’s face was blank like she...


Welcome to my website and my first blog post! First let me tell you a bit about me I grew up in the an ‘80s—I couldn’t get enough of Molly Ringwald or Duran Duran. I’m originally from Wisconsin and love cheese and the Packers. When I was 17, I was diagnosed with a...

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